A downloadable tool for Windows

Rajneet Singh Ghuman Model And Game Development

Rajneet Singh Ghuman Model And Game Development is a set of programs made for making 3D and 2D models for games and also making games using them.

The program is also available at https://github.com/rajneetsinghghuman/Rajneet-Singh-Ghuman-Model-And-Game-Develo...


Rajneet Singh Ghuman Game Development.exe

Rajneet Singh Ghuman Game Development.exe is a program made for Microsoft Windows 11 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2022. The program is made for the screen resolution 1920 x 1080 pixels and minimum 60 fps. This is the minimum screen resolution required for the program. This program is used for making 3D models and viewing them. The 3D model is made with coloured triangles. The program is open source. So, the program can be modified. The program can also be used for making games by changing the code. Good for about 100 triangles.

Notepad Controls-

Open the files in Notepad program. Open the text files x1.txt, y1.txt, z1.txt, x2.txt, y2.txt, z2.txt, x3.txt, y3.txt, z3.txt, red.txt, green.txt, blue.txt and alpha.txt which are in the 3D Model folder. Put the value of the first point which is X co-ordinate value, Y co-ordinate and Z co-ordinate in the files x1.txt, y1.txt and z1.txt respectively. Put the value of the second point which is X co-ordinate value, Y co-ordinate and Z co-ordinate in the files x2.txt, y2.txt and z2.txt respectively. Put the value of the third point which is X co-ordinate value, Y co-ordinate and Z co-ordinate in the files x3.txt, y3.txt and z3.txt respectively. Put the colour value for the triangle which is in the form of red value, green value and blue value in the files red.txt, green.txt and blue.txt respectively. The values for this are between 0.0 and 1.0. Example value- 0.15 Put the transparency value of the triangle which is in the form of alpha value in the file alpha.txt. The values for this are between 0.0 and 1.0. Example value- 1.0 for no transparency. The lesser the value then the triangle is more transparent. Example value-0.15. Save all the text files.  Values for the triangle should be greater than 1. After doing all this click on the program Rajneet Singh Ghuman Game Development to make it the current program being used and press the Enter key to show the result which is a triangle with the provided values. Click on the notepad program again to provide the values for the next triangle to make the 3D model. Resize and position the notepad window make it work with the program Rajneet Singh Ghuman Game Development. In the selection mode the file triangledata.txt can be opened and used which is in the 3D Model folder. This file gives the data of the selected triangle. Close the file triangledata.txt before selecting a new triangle. Then the file triangledata.txt can be opened again after selecting a new triangle.

Rajneet Singh Ghuman Game Development.exe Controls-

Press the M key to move the 3D model after pressing X key or Y key. After pressing the M key and the X key, press the Left arrow key or Right arrow key to move the 3D model in the direction of the X axis. This is X mode. After pressing the M key and the Y key, press the Left arrow key or Right arrow key to move the 3D model in the direction of the Y axis. This is Y mode. Use the Up arrow key or Down arrow key to move the 3D model in the direction of the Z axis after pressing the M key and later X key or Y key. This means when in X mode or Y mode. Press the R key to rotate the 3D model after pressing X key or Y key. After pressing the R key and the X key, press the Left arrow key or Right arrow key to rotate the 3D model in the direction of the X axis. This is X mode. The Up arrow key and Down arrow key an also be used to rotate the 3D model when in X mode. After pressing the R key and the Y key, press the Left arrow key or Right arrow key to rotate the 3D model in the direction of the Y axis. This is Y mode. The Up and Down arrow key an also be used to rotate the 3D model when in Y mode. Press the G key to go in triangle selection mode. After pressing the G key a triangle will be selected in red colour. Use the Left arrow key or Right arrow key the select different triangles. If the selection goes more and the red triangle is not seen then use the Left arrow key to bring back the selection. Press the D key to delete the selected triangle. In the selection mode the file triangledata.txt can be opened and used which is in the 3D Model folder. This file gives the data of the selected triangle. Close the file triangledata.txt before selecting a new triangle. Then the file triangledata.txt can be opened again after selecting a new triangle. Press the L key to load the 3D model at the start. Press the S key to save the 3D model in the end.

Press the Escape key to close the program.

When making a new 3D model always put 0 as the value in numberoftriangles.txt which is in the 3D Model folder. The value in numberoftriangles.txt should be 0 or always positive. The saved 3D model will be in the 3D model complete folder in the from of text files. The folder can be renamed to save the 3D model for future use.

Thank you.

Published 5 hours ago
AuthorRajneet Singh Ghuman
Tags2D, 3D, Game Design, Modeling


Rajneet.Singh.Ghuman.3D.Maker.Complete.zip 45 kB

Install instructions

Rajneet Singh Ghuman Game Development.exe is a program made for Microsoft Windows 11 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2022. The program is made for the screen resolution 1920 x 1080 pixels and minimum 60 fps. This is the minimum screen resolution required for the program.

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