Soccer For Player

Soccer For Player is a old school style soccer game.

Minimum resolution required to play the game is 1280 x 720.

First team to score 4 goals wins the match.


Press the O key to turn on the music. The music can be only turned on one time in the game.

Z key to pass the ball. If the pass power is full then the ball is passed straight as a through ball.

X key will shoot the ball straight.

The power bar displays the power for the pass or shot.

The yellow indicator on the top of the player indicates the active player and the active player only has to defend when ball possession is lost. Press Z key to switch the player.

Use the arrow keys to move the player.

The player should be facing in the direction of the other player to pass the ball to that player.

Press R key to cancel the match and return to main menu.

Mobile Support-

Touch MUSIC to turn on the music.

Touch TOUCHSCREEN to play.

Use touchscreen joystick to move.

Y to pass. Y to switch the player while defending.

X to shoot.

The match cannot be cancelled in touchscreen mode.

If the music of the game is not turned on then the game can be played with your background music.

Published 26 days ago
AuthorRajneet Singh Ghuman
Tags3D, Soccer